Matjack Indianapolis Industrial Products, Inc.
2320 Duke Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Toll Free: 800.827.3755 or 800.495.8626 Tel: 317.359.3078 Fax: 317.359.3079 Website:
Salvage Tubes are highly versatile in the number of ways in which they can be deployed. They are excellent for pipe-laying and other underwater construction projects, but where Salvage Tubes really come into their own is when they are used in raising sunken boats. They can be used vertically to bring the boat out of deep water. When the boat is suspended near the surface they can be slung under the boat with one end on each side to raise the boat high enough out of the water to pump out. In shallow water, two bags can be slung together, one on each side of the boat, like pontoons.